Site Safe Scholarships
At Site Safe, we're all about nurturing the safety leaders of tomorrow. Our scholarships help you complete the Health and Safety in Construction Programme (HSCP) Join our growing list of proud graduates.
What you get
- Complementary courses to complete our Health and Safety in Construction Programme
- Mentorship with:
- Regular discussions and shared meals (kōrero and kai sessions)
- Quarterly check-ins
- Online sessions with experts
- Chat platform to connect with other scholarship learners across Aotearoa
- Tickets to the Evening of Celebration in Auckland (EOC)
- Tickets to the graduation ceremony in your area
- Feedback session after graduation
What you'll learn
During the programme you'll learn to:
- Clearly communicate health and safety needs
- Assess risks
- Manage risks
- Understand legal and workplace safety rules in construction
- Share safety practices effectively
- Create a safe environment for yourself, your family, and your community
Completing the programme earns you a level 3 qualification from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)
Scholarship categories
- Māori
- Pasifika
- Under 25
- Women in Construction
- Accessibility (any age, gender or ethnicity)
- Open (any age, gender or ethnicity.
Who can apply
- Anyone who works in construction or a related field
- Anyone who is eligible to work in NZ
- Anyone over 18
Application process
- Applications are open year-round
- Applications can be completed online, written, video or verbally
- Apply before October 31 for consideration in the following year
- Results are announced in December
- Scholarships begin the following January
The scholarship lasts 12 months, but you can finish sooner if you have completed courses with us prior to receiving the scholarship.
Apply now!
- Application Guidance Form (Read first before completing your application)
- Application Form