Handouts – July 2023

Health Monitoring

What is it?  Why do it?  How does it support the health and safety of your workers? How can it apply to the scale of your business?

Steffan is the Environmental Health and Safety Manager at Peryer Construction.  He is a former medic and Environmental Health technician for the NZDF and has been involved in many areas of exposure and health monitoring for over 20 years. Steffan’s presentation was a pragmatic overview of health monitoring for different exposures. To download the presentation, click here.

Exposure Monitoring

What does it mean? Why is it needed? What to do with all that information?

Almi is a Senior Occupational Hygienist at Chemsafety Ltd. She has been involved in Occupational Hygiene for over 10 years and assisted many different industries with protecting workers against occupational diseases and enhancing workplace practices. Almi’s presentation was a construction-specific overview of exposure monitoring. If you were unable to make the forum, you’ll get another chance to see this presentation via webinar on 26 October 2023. 

Register for this webinar here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1n-VoXNKRvaAvflvP4H6Mw#/registration

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